Monday, May 2, 2011

My Favorite Vacation Spot

My great-grandfather built a cabin in Nevis, Minnesota over 70 years ago.  Our family has been vacationing at the cabin ever since and it is one of my favorite places to go.  In my 20 years of life, I have only missed two summer trips to the cabin and it was not for lack of wanting to go.  Driving down the highway you can’t even see it; all you see is rows and rows of trees.  The turn isn’t marked and aside from the old faded mailbox, it simply looks like a path back into the woods.  It’s not until you make the turn and drive slowly around the curve, that you find the cabin, as if it were placed in the midst of this meadow by the lake. 

Everything still looks the same as it did when I was three years old running around feeding peanuts to the chipmunks on the deck.  The furniture is still the same, the cabin is still the same color, and the same Piggly Wiggly board game still sits in the cabinet.  Year after year, it is a constant and no matter how my life or I have changed, it is still the same.  One of my favorite parts of going to the cabin is the silence.  There is no phone, no Internet, and no TV, which sounds crazy, but when you need a vacation from everything else going on in your life, it is fantastic.  A lot of my friends ask me what we do up there if we don’t have any of that and it makes me laugh.  I get to spend time with my family; we play games, do puzzles, go fishing, go for walks, and all kinds of other things we don’t think to do while we are at home.  When I am there one of my other favorite things to do is read, whether it is out by the lake or up in the loft.  It gives me the opportunity to just read and think. 

I hope that I can make a trip up there soon because I have missed it so much.  It makes me stop and think about how I probably took it for granted when I was younger and could afford to go up there for a couple of weeks at a time.  I think that everyone should have some place where they can go to escape the stress and fast pace of life just for a little while; somewhere they can just rest, reflect, and think. 

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